This application is oriented to help engineers to show clients the economical benefits derived from using a specific HVAC system over other options. Not only that, it can also help the engineers to identify economical advantages over technical ones, so they preserve the client’s best interests.
Energy Audit can handle unlimited systems to compare and it will show different detail levels for each comparison. The System Comparison dialog presents five tabs, each one for a specific aspect of the comparison being made. Tab “Table” lists the cumulative operating costs of the systems under comparison, year by year, and the consequently savings of the choice; Tab “Line Graph” is basically the same information presented as a graph; Tab “Bar chart” presents two bars, one for system A and one for system B, showing the cumulative annual cost for each system, disaggregated by category (cooling, heating, hot water and appliances). Tab “Economics” shows a finance analysis in terms of investments for the two possible choices. Tab “Sound” compares the noise level produced by the systems being compared, graphically and in sound (it plays simulated sounds for each system).
Regarding license price it depends on the version the user chooses, among the three available. The versions vary according to the appliances and disaggregated utility bills features. Thus, the cheapest version won’t support any of those features and costs $ 495, the following version supports appliances and costs $ 595 and the most expensive version supports both features and costs $ 795.
Energy Audit can exchange information with other applications from Elite Software such as Rhvac, Chvac and Quote.